
BPI Timothy school – second group begins studies

September 19, 2014

BPI Timothy school – second group begins studies

Vessels that are meant for honor

Paul, writing his letter to Timothy, compares those who try to be trustworthy servants, who do not have to be ashamed and who rightly teach the word of truth to vessels that are meant for honor and every good work ( 2 Tim. 2:15, 20, 21). Desiring to teach the word of truth, to be equipped with knowledge, skills and hearts that listen to the Spirit’s voice, and follows God’s direction –this is how we got to know our 22 new Timothy School students both from applications and face to face conversations,

On September 19 and 20 new members of Timothy school met face to face. From Aizpute, Jaunjelgava, Kuldiga, Krote, Kemeri, Ogre, Priekule, Riga Agenskalns and Mateja churches, Rezekne, Smarde, Talsi, Vainode, Ventspils, Viesites. Worship was led by Janis Uplejs and we acknowledged our necessity for God’s guidance, power, and Christ’s grace. In songs we confessed that we are together on Christ’s mission – to go and to make disciples of all nations. Bishop Peteris Sprogis reminded us that a leader and teacher is not determined by title but rather by what influence they leave in their surroundings, church, ministry. We read from Paul’s letters to Timothy and each member told their story by using their own cup – an empty vessel that will be repeatedly filled during the study time. Guests from USA wished the new group well, and first year Timothy school students brought greetings that were shown and told by Sandra Belova.  

       That’s what happened in the opening ceremony. Shortly afterwards lessons and work in small groups began. Studies continued on Saturday as well – first Bible overview lessons, examples and analysis of different approaches to children’s’ ministry. We also asked ourselves a question – what kind of impression about God, church, Bible do children gain as a result of our ministry ? What kind of impression would we  like to give them?  Saturday afternoon participants went back home – little bit tired and nervous about all the home work that has to be done till next meeting in October, but also satisfied and happy about their experience.

Thanks to all of you who encouraged and supported participants of Timothy school. We are grateful to churches that pray for them, and care for them as much as possible so that study time in Timothy school would be a true time of receiving and would bring blessing both to the students and to their churches.

We are all called to be vessels for honor. We believe that Timothy school can be an aid to equip Sunday school teachers and those involved in children’s ministry so that they can be equipped for every good work. May children and their families in our churches, towns and villages get to know God, and may there be work for children in places where it is not yet happening. May those who do not know Christ yet experience His grace and tell about it to the next generations!

Estere Roze
BPI Timothy School
Program director

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