Strategic Ministry Development Centre SĀC equips and mentors local churches to become more purposeful in fulfilling Christ’s mission, as well as assists organizations to become more purposeful in using their potential.


Strategic Ministry Development Centre SĀC equips and mentors local churches to become more purposeful in fulfilling Christ’s mission, as well as assists organizations to become more purposeful in using their potential to achieve their goals. 

1 The assessment and 2 development of churches and organizations:

  • Assessment – defining reality by identifying strengths and hindrances to further development.
  • Recommendations – providing specific recommendations for church and/or organizational development.
  • Implementation – helping to mentor and support as recommendations are implemented.

2. The development of a mentoring culture among leaders

3. The establishment of strategic partnerships among churches to foster the fulfillment of specific ministry goals

4. The development of resources for church health and growth 


Leader: Igors Rautmanis
Phone: + 371 27702028
Email: bpi(abols)